Chandigarh Education Department Previous Year Question Papers of Clerk, Steno Typist and LDC | Exam Pattern and Syllabus of Clerk, Steno & LDC of Chandigarh Education Department
As we know that Chandigarh Education Department has declared notification regarding the recruitment of Clerk, Steno Typist & LDC Vacancies in Education Department. The online registrations had been opened and will continue till 2 November 2015. Many Candidates who are applying online for the Chandigarh Clerk Recruitment are searching out for the Chandigarh Education Department Previous Year Papers for Clerk, Steno and LDC Post. In addition to this there are many questions going on in the minds of the candidates like:
What is the Exam Pattern of Chandigarh Clerk Exam Education Department?
What is the Syllabus of Chandigarh Education Department Clerk and Steno Exam?
In this article, we will provide you the latest information regarding Exam Pattern, Syllabus and Previous Year Question Papers of Chandigarh Education Department for the post of Clerk, Steno Typist and LDC.
Chandigarh Education Department Exam Pattern and Syllabus
The exam pattern will consist of Written Exam containing two papers of 100 marks of 2 hours duration for each paper. The first paper will consist of three sections – English, General Knowledge and Computer Proficiency Test. The second paper will consist of three sections – Mathematics, Statistics and Aptitude Section. The level of questions will be of 10th or 12th level. There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
Chandigarh Education Department Previous Year Question Papers for Clerk, Steno and LDC Posts
The Previous Year Papers
of Clerk, LDC & Steno Typist will be available for the candidates appearing in the upcoming examinations at the official website. From there, candidates can download the papers for the following posts:
Chandigarh Education Department Clerk Previous Year Papers
Chandigarh Steno Last Year Papers
Chandigarh LDC Previous Year Question Papers
Many Candidates are requesting for the Question Papers but the papers for all posts are not available on the internet but it is expected that the Chandigarh Education Department Previous Year Papers
will be available soon at the official website. Thus candidates are advised to stay in touch with this official website in order to get previous year papers for these posts. However you can also purchase the Previous Year Papers and Study Material from the market as many books are available in the market for the preparation of these exams. These books are containing all the previous ten year question papers, exam pattern and complete syllabus. For any other query, feel free to comment in the comment box provided below.
Download Link 1:
TGT Social Science (Paper-2) – Set D
TGT Social Science (Paper-2) – Set C
TGT Social Science (Paper-2) – Set B
TGT Social Science (Paper-2) – Set A
TGT Science (Medical) (Paper-2)
TGT Science (Non-Medical)
TGT Home Science
TGT Physical Education (DPE)
TGT Mathematics
TGT English
Download Link 2:
Download Previous Year Papers PDF
Please provide me chandigarh administration education department previous 2014 ,13,12 answer key provide with question
Please provide me chandigarh administration education department(clerk) previous year question papers with answer key
My email ID is
Please send me last year paper of Chandigarh administration how many you have
It’s very urgent please help me out
papers are provided…above you can download them
Where are the papers sir
Sir please provide me previous papers of Chandigarh clerical LDC(steno)
Sir pl provide me previous paper od Chandigarh administration clerk