DGVCL Junior assistant result 2016 | Result of DGVCL Junior Assistant Available at www.dgvcl.com
As you know, Dakshin Gujarat Vij Limited (DGVCL) has announced notification regarding recruitment of Junior Assistant. So, they have successfully conducted DGVCL Junior assistant Exam on 18th September 2016. Now candidates who appeared in this exam are eagerly searching for DGVCL Junior assistant result 2016. So, Candidates can get Result of DGVCL Junior assistant Exam 2016 for very soon from official website www.dgvcl.com. So, they evaluate their performance by matching their answers with the official solutions of the answer key. Moreover, you can also get result very soon.
In this notification we will provide you the complete details regarding DGVCL Junior assistant result 2016, DGVCL Junior assistant Answer Key 2016, DGVCL Junior assistant Exam Cut off Marks 2016, DGVCL Junior assistant Exam Merit List 2016, DGVCL Junior assistant Exam Expected Cut off Marks 2016, Date of declaration of DGVCL Junior assistant Result 2016 etc.The results are under preparation and all the important updates related to Result of DGVCL Junior assistant Exam 2016 can obtained from the official website. Further details regarding DGVCL JA Result 2016 is given below.
DGVCL Junior assistant result 2016 | Download Merit List of DGVCL Junior assistant Exam 2016
Cut off marks are minimum scores that are needed to qualified in the examination. If candidate fails to achieve the cut off marks he or she is not considered eligible for further selection process. The DGVCL Junior assistant cut off Marks 2016 for SC, ST, OBC, EXSM and General Category Candidates can obtained from the official website with the release of the results. Candidates can also check their expected cut off marks of DGVCL Junior assistant Exam on the basis of the previous year results. From here candidate can get details regarding DGVCL Junior assistant result 2016.
Since the result declaration will take some time. In addition, meanwhile candidates can refer to Answer key which can downloaded from the official website. Moreover, unofficial answer key can also downloaded from the popular coaching institutes. From the important official links regarding DGVCL Junior assistant Result mentioned below. You can obtain your result as well as answer key once it will declared by the official organization.
www.dgvcl.com DGVCL Junior assistant Exam Scorecard 2016 | Result of DGVCL Junior assistant Exam 2016
Name of the organization: Dakshin Gujarat Vij Limited (DGVCL)
Name of Posts : Junior Assistant
Number of Posts : 31
Exam Date : 18th September 2016
Notification: DGVCL Junior assistant result 2016
Status: Available Soon
Website: www.dgvcl.com
DGVCL Junior assistant result 2016| Download DGVCL Junior assistant Merit List 2016
The Commission will decide the selection process on the basis of the merit list. So, this list will display the names as well as roll number of candidates eligible for Exam and for the further selection process. You can obtain the merit list for different categories like SC, ST, OBC, EXSM and General Candidates. In addition to this candidates can also download the scorecard which will display the marks of the candidates obtained in the exam.
How to Download DGVCL Junior assistant result 2016 ?
- First of all visit official website “www.dgvcl.com“.
- Click on career section.
- Look around for “DGVCL Junior assistant Merit List 2016” .
- Enter your registration number and password.
- Click on “Download Result of DGVCL Junior assistant Exam 2016 for 31 vacancies“.
- Your result will downloaded.
- Save and take a print of your result.
Important Links and Downloads
Click here for DGVCL Junior assistant result 2016
Official Website : www.dgvcl.com