Check GATE Result 2015
Friends it’s time to give a break to your thumping heart beats as the GATE Result 2015 is released today by the official organization IIT which has declared GATE 2015 Result. The wait is over as the official result is available now and the future of many students is dependent on this exam. Many Candidates appeared in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering for various disciplines ECE, ME, EEE, CSE, IT, Civil, AG, AR, BT, CH, CY, EY, XE and XL. All those candidates who had undergone through GATE Exam 2015 can now check their GATE Result 2015 for the respective discipline for which they appeared for.
GATE Scorecard 2015 | Gate Topper List 2015
Candidates can check their official GATE Result 2015 from the official website where they can also download GATE scorecard and topper list for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering for the year 2015. The organization successfully conducted GATE Exam for various branches from 31 Jan 2015 till 8 Feb 2015. The examination was conducted two sessions: Morning and Evening. All those candidates who were a part of this exam held on various dates from 31 Jan to 8 Feb can check their GATE Result from the official website or from the official link provided below the post. A good core obtained in this exam will help the candidates to get admission in top IITs, IISC, IIITs, NITs and many other good institutions. Candidates can seek admission for various Post Graduate courses like M.TECH, M.E etc. Many Public Sector Undertakings like HAL, IOCL, PGCIL, BARC etc also consider GATE score. In addition to this there are many benefits offered in M.TECH after clearing the gate exam with a good score.
GATE 2015 Result for various branches ECE, ME, EEE, CSE, IT, Civil, AG, AR, BT, CH, CY, EY, XE and XL
This year huge number of candidates gave the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering of their respective streams. All the candidates were waiting anxiously for GATE 2015 Result so this to inform that now their wait is over as the IIT Kanpur declared the official result today which was earlier decided to be declared on 12 March 2015. Now today they have released the Gate Result Score on their official website
Steps for downloading GATE 2015 Result
Visit the official website
Go to Gate Result Section
Enter your appropriate details like applicants number, date of birth or password etc.
Your official result will be displayed to you.
You can save it or can take a printout of your result
Official Link for Gate 2015 Result