IBPS Office Assistants Recruitment 2016 | IBPS 8824 Office Assistant & 5539 Officers vacancies

Apply online for IBPS recruitment 2016 for Office assistants & officers vacancies | IBPS office assistants Recruitment 2016 | Latest banking sector jobs | latest government jobs in India

Here we are to present to you the good news about the Latest government jobs in Banks. And today we have the very good ews for the candidates who were eagerly waiting for the Government job in India as in Department of latest Bank/ IBPS jobs. So here is the news, Candidates! Our very own IBPS which is also known as Institute for Banking Personnel Selection has recently released the official notification to fulfill IBPS Office Assistants & Officers vacancies in banks department in India. The IBPS department is going to hire various capable candidates who will fulfill the eligibility and selection process at the different post which are Office assistants, Officers- Agriculture officers/ Marketing officers/ Treasury manager/ law officers/ Chartered Accountant in their department. They have released the official ADVERITSEMENT FOR RECRUITMENT OF Agriculture officers/ Marketing officers/ Treasury manager/ law officers/ Chartered Accountant. IBPS has released huge no of vacancies to be filled for IBPS Office assistants Recruitment 2016- they have released 8824 Office assistants & 5539 Offucers vacancies.

So this the golden opportunity for the candidates who were waiting for the government jobs in Banking sector especially for latest IBPS jobs, so here you have the opportunity and you should grab it but before applying for the posts described the candidates are suggested to go through the official notification for IBPS Office assistants & Officers vacancies properly and check for their eligibility, if the canndidate is eligible and interested to apply for IBPS Office assistant & Officers vacancies 2016 then he/she should apply for IBPS Office assistants &
officers vacancies 2016. We are providing you with the both links-
link to download official notification and the link to apply online for IBPS Office Assistants recruitment 2016.
The candidates can visit these links directly by licking on it they are given at the end of this article. The other details regarding the IBPS recruitment 2016 for Assistants like age limit, important dates, selection procedure etc are given below. The candidates can check for their eligibility and can apply for the IBPS recruitment 2016 for Assistants vacancies.

IBPS Office Assistants Recruitment 2016 | IBPS 8824 Office Assistants & 5539 Officers vacancies

Division of posts:

Post Name: Office assistants

No of posts: 8824 posts

Post Name: Officers

No of posts: 5539 posts

Post Name: agriculture officers

No of posts: 152 posts

Post Name: Marketing Officers

No of posts: 75 posts

Post Name: Treasury manager

No of posts: 19 posts

Post Name: Law Officers

No of posts: 55 posts

Post Name: Chartered accountant

No of posts: 35 posts

Post Name:
Information Technology Officer

No of posts: 130 posts

Post Name: General banking Officers

No of posts: 1533 posts

Post Name: Officers scale-III

No of posts: 198 posts

Job location: all states, India

Age limit: candidates willing to apply for IBPS Office assistants & officers vacancies 2016 need to have age as per IBPS rules.

Education required: candidates for IBPS Office assistants & officers vacancies 2016 should have done CA, Graduate degree in any discipline/ Electronics/ computer science/ communication/ information technology/ law/ agriculture/ horticulture/ dairy/ animal husbandary/ forestry/ veterinary science/ Agricultural engineering/ pisciculture/ MBA in finance/ Marketing.

Selection process: Selection for IBPS Recruitment 2016 will be done on the basis of performance in the written exam, & Merit wise.

Application fee: Application fee for the IBPS Recruitment 2016 for office assistants & officers vacancies is Rs 600/- for general/ OBC candidates, Rs 100/- for all other candidates

Important date:

Start date: 14-09-2016

Last date to submit applications is: 30-09-2016

Important links:

Click here to apply online

Click here to download official notification

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