IBPS RRB CWE IV Result 2015 | Check IBPS RRB CWE IV Scores Marks Cut off Details | List of Candidates shortlisted for IBPS RRB CWE IV Interview ibps.in
As we know that Institute of Banking Personnel Selection recently conducted IBPS RRB CWE IV Exam for the Posts of Office Assistant and Officer Scale. The exams were conducted from 5 September 2015 onwards and continued till 27 September 2015. Huge numbers of candidates appeared in these examinations and are now looking for the IBPS RRB CWE IV Result 2015. So IBPS released a latest notification regarding the result notice in which they said they are going to declare the IBPS RRB CWE IV Result 2015 of Office Assistant & Officer Scale for various Posts in the upcoming month of October as per the tentative result date decided by the organization. The organization also said that they will also release the IBPS RRB CWE IV Scorecard Cut off Marks of Office Assistant and Officer Exam held in September 2015.
RRB CWE stands for Regional Rural Bank Common Written Examination. This test is usually conducted by the organization for selecting the candidates for the various posts of Office Assistant (Clerk) and Officer Posts in regional rural banks of India. Candidates who get shortlisted in the written examination of IBPS RRB CWE IV are usually selected for the next interview round of RRB CWE IV Posts.
This year IBPS RRB CWE IV Exam was conducted successfully across various centres of India for the posts of Assistant and Officer Scale I, II and III. The IBPS RRB CWE IV Office Assistant Officer Scale I II III Result 2015 Scorecard Cut off Marks will be available soon in the month of October 2015 in the first or second week as per the notice released by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.
Important Dates of IBPS RRB CWE IV Result 2015:
Date of Declaration of IBPS RRB Result 2015 – Out
Date of Downloading IBPS RRB Call letters for interview – November 2015
Date for Conducting Interviews – November/December 2015
IBPS RRB CWE IV Provisional Allotment will be done in – January 2016
IBPS RRB Exam Dates 2015
IBPS RRB CWE 2015 Online exams were held on various dates on 05.09.2015, 06.09.2015, 12.09.2015, 13.09.2015, 19.09.2015, 20.09.2015, 26.09.2015, 27.09.2015. These exams were conducted for the posts of Office Assistant and Officer for various trades like General Banking Officer, Specialist Officer etc. IBPS RRB 4 Result 2015 for Clerk and Officer Online Exam will be available in the coming month of October 2015 at the official website of Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
IBPS RRB Result 2015 of Officer Scale I, II & III: The Result of RRB Online Exam which was held for the various posts of Officer Scale I, II and III will be available along with list of qualified as well as list of unqualified candidates for the RRB Interview Round. After the declaration of result, the online exam marks, scorecard and cut off marks will also be available to download.
IBPS RRB Result 2015 of Office Assistant (Clerk): The RRB Assistant Result will be available soon in the October month and those candidates who will be declared qualified in the online exam will need to appear for the interview round in order to get shortlisted to be selected in various regional rural banks of India.
Important Steps to be followed for IBPS RRB CWE IV Result of Online Exam of Officer Scale I, II III and Office Assistant
- Visit the official website that is www.ibps.in
- After visiting the home page go to career section or select the appropriate link.
- Click the desired option.
- Select the link either Officer or Assistant to view IBPS RRB CWE IV Result of your desired post
- Enter important details like registration or roll number and date of birth or password.
- After submitting all the details, your scorecard to be displayed on your screen.
- Check it and save it for the future use.