Download ICSE Result 2015 of 10th Class | CISCE X Class Result 2015
Dear students, its time to give a break to your thumping heart beats as the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has announced the results for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) Examinations for the class 10. In their recent released notification CISCE Board stated that the ICSE 10 Class Result 2015 will be released on 18.05.2015 at about 11.30am at their official website Thus all students as well as schools following the ICSE pattern can visit the official website to download ICSE Result 2015 of X Class. As per the known statistics near about 2 lakh students appeared for CISCE exams this year. Each year the CISCE Board conducts ICSE & ICS Examinations for the school students. This board is a private board and is well known famous education board.
All the students who gave the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Matriculation Exams which were conducted by the CISCE Board this year can now check their ICSE 10th Result 2015 in a short time.
The ICSE Result 2015 will be available at the official website of Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. Those students who appeared in ICSE X Board Exams can visit the official website for more details regarding updates regarding result or other information related to ICSE Result 2015 like merit list, scorecard, toppers list etc.
ICSE Result 2015 of 10th Class | Download ICSE 10 Class Result Scorecard | ICSE 10th Merit List & List of Toppers 2015
CISCE Board will soon announce and attached the result at their official website . All the students who appeared in ICSE 10th Board Exams can check their result by visiting the official website. To download the ICSE 10th Board Result you need to follow steps given below:
- Visit the Official Website
- Look for the link showing ICSE Result 2015
- Choose this link
- Enter your details like Roll Number or Name
- Your ICSE 10th Board Result will be displayed to you
- Download it for future reference
Get ICSE Result 2015 through SMS
To get ICSE Result 2015 on your Mobile:
SMS ICSE<Space><Unique Id> to 09248082883
Official ICSE Result 2015 Link:
Check ICSE 10th Board Result