Important Vocabulary Words with meanings from The Hindu

New vocabulary words from the Hindu Newspaper | Important Vocabulary words with meanings and sentences for competitive exams | Important word meanings for English Section | Daily Important English vocabulary words | Easy tricks to learn english vocabulary words

Candidates who are preparing for the various competitive examinations to get Government sector jobs of their choices. The candidates need to prepare for different sections in order to crack the exams like IAS, UPSC, SSC, Chandigarh Administration exams, State govt exams, Civil services exams etc. the major sections are Quantitative aptitude, English, Reasoning etc. The General Knowledge is one of the major sections which candidates need to prepare for scoring good marks in the examinations. In the General knowledge section we have different further sub-sections which are needed to be prepared for the examinations. But other than that Candidates need to give their attention to the very important section which is the English section and this is the section in which the students lack mostly. So here we are providing the candidates with Important English Grammar notes for competitive exams. Under this we are going to provide today

Important Vocabulary words with meanings from the Hindu.

We provide candidates with the several Study Notes to help the score more and more in the various competitive exams. As these days competition has grown so tough candidates need to make themselves even better than others to achieve the job they want to like SSC, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, RRB, Assistant Office, RRB scale-1, LIC AO, AAO, IAS, State Government jobs etc. All the exams include one crucial section in which most of the candidates lack. The bsic things needed for this section is vocab, Yes! We need to improve vocabulary words it will help us in spoting errors, answering synonyms & Antonyms, Words meaning, cloze test etc. So candidates are suggested to see this section carefully, take notes and learn these Important Vocabulary words with meanings.

Important Vocabulary words with meanings from The Hindu

1.—Galvanize (Science Word)— in science Galvanization is to prevent iron from rusting by coating zinc on it.

  • Galvanize is a positive word (meaning— prerna dena) to excite (someone) into taking action.
  • IDIOM—Shot in the arm – (prerit karna)

2.—Pyrrhic – (it’s a word made from the story—a king named Pyrrhus wanted to invade Rome, but by the time he reached Rome his army became so weak that he lost Rome along with his army)

  • So Meaning is—won at too great a cost that it was not worth for the victory.
  • Example- brother won from sister but ruined the relationship

3.—Abysmal (originated from Abyss)

  • Meaning—very deep, very bad

Before writing a word starting from E here is a trick mostly the meaning of such words which start with letter E have the meaning exit- or exit from something. You will observe it in further words I am gonna write for you in the important vocabulary words with meanings/ easy tricks to learn english vocabulary words

4.—Emission—production & discharge of something especially gas.

5.—Avid—having a keen interest in something / passionate/ enthusiasm/ ardent

  • I am an avid reader of history books

6.—Streak—an element of a specific kind in someone’s character. Eg:- his secretive streak was to hide his income statement.

  • Or continuous success/ failure, a period of repeated success or failure
  • Eg:- Federer’s losing streak against Nadal came to an end

7.—Crass—( showing no intelligence or sensitivity)

  • Eg:- Om Puri’s crass comments were discussed across all the channels.

8.—Libido—sexual Desire

9.—Ingratiate –(chaplusi) Obsequious / Sycophant – chaploos

  • Bring oneself into favour with someone by flattering

10.—Frostbite—Injury to body tissue caused by exposure to extreme cold.

11.—Flay—(chamdi utarna)—peel or beat skin off of a person/ animal

  • To criticize harshly someone publicly
  • Eg:- he was flayed in the debate on National TV

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12.—Matriarch—Mothe/ leader- a women who is the head of the family

13.—Apron—a protective garment worn over the front of one’s clothes

14.—Trickle– — a small flow of liquid

15.—Honcho—A person incharge

16.—Brickbats—Blunt Criticism (very insulting)

17.—Laceration—(chhilna) a deep cut or tear in skin/ flesh

18.—Haunch—(Hips + thighs)considered together—we sit on our haunch

19.—Maul—A wound by scratching or tearing

20.—Altercation- a noisy argument in public

21.—loom (negative word)- to stand over someone in a threating way

  • The future loomed grim

22.—Retrospective—looking back on or dealing with the past situation

23.—Pegged—fixed at a particular level

  • Eg:– her body seemed pegged to the chair

24.—Shedding—to cast or give off


26.—Pulsating—Expand or contract with strong regular movement

27.—Obstinate—Stubborn/ unyielding

  • Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion

28.—Wailing – to make mournful sounds, cry, mob, weep

29.—Pivotal—eg:– indispensable/ see-saw (pivot—very important)

30.—Belittle—Depreciate or dismiss as unimportant or denigrate

31.—Strife—conflict, disagreement or discord or dispute

32.—Grudge—A persistent willing of ill will (purani ranjish)

33.—clinging—hold on tightly to

34.—Awed—filled with wonder, a feeling of reverential respect

35.—delicately—Fragile, vulnerably

36.—Jeopardy—danger of Failure

37.—Pruning—Trim (a tree or bush)

38.—Atonement—Action of making amends for a wrong or injury

39.—denuded– Strip off its Possessions

40.—Recuperate—Recover or Regain

41.—Vivisection:– process of performing operation on live animals for the purpose of experimentation

42.—Proliferation—Rapid increment in number or amount of something

43.—Cues—A thing said or done that serves as a signal

44.—Desalination—process that removes minerals from saline water

45.—gamut—the complete range of something / spectrum/ extent

  • I am used to expressing whole gamut of emotions from happiness to sorrow in my stories.

46.—Evasive—Procrastination/ non committal

  • She gave an evasive answer when I confronted her.

47.—Stale—Not fresh, boring/ trite/ banal

  • Viewers were bored of the stale story line of his new movie

48.—Startle—to get surprised/ frightened/ flabbergast

  • A sudden bright light in my study room startled me.

49.—Flagitious—marked by scandalous crime/ heinous/ atrocious/ villainous

  • He was arrested & charged with spousal abuse because of his flagitious behaivour

50.—Cacophony—Harsh sound (opposite of Euphony)

  • The cacophony of his wife shouting at him woke me up from sleep.

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Updated: October 31, 2016 — 6:22 pm

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