JPSC Specialist Doctor Admit Card Call Letter 2015
Jharkhand Public Service Commission is conducting examination of JPSC Specialist Doctor for the various posts of Pediatrician, Physician, Surgeon and many other posts through JPSC Specialist Doctor Recruitment 2015. As the exam dates are approaching, candidates who had applied online for the JPSC Specialist Doctor Post are searching for the JPSC Specialist Doctor Admit Card 2015 in order to appear for the upcoming exam for the various posts of Specialist Doctor. The online registrations were conducted from 07.09.2015 and continued till 28.09.2015 in which many candidates applied for the 654 Posts for the Specialist Doctors.
The Jharkhand PSC Exam Dates and Admit Card Details will be updated soon by the organization at their official website. As the online registration dates are ending, the organization will now soon release an official notification regarding the tentative dates of the Jharkhand Specialist Doctor Exam and Call Letter. Once the exam dates will be released officially candidates can then download their Jharkhand JPSC Specialist Doctor Admit Card for the following posts:
JPSC Ophthalmologist Hall Ticket
JPSC Pathologist Call Letter
Jharkhand PSC Psychiatrist Call Letter
JPSC Physician Admit Card
Jharkhand ENT Specialist Hall Ticket
JPSC Radiologist Call Letter
Jharkhand Surgeon Admit Card
JPSC Orthopaedician Hall Ticket
Jharkhand PSC Anesthetist Call Letter
JPSC Pediatrician Admit Card
JPSC Gynecologist Hall Ticket
The Jharkhand JPSC Specialist Doctor Admit Card 2015 will be available online at the official website of Jharkhand Public Service Commission and once the official link will be activated candidates can download their hall tickets from the by entering their basic details like registration number or date of birth which they got at the time of online registrations. Usually the call letters are released 15 days prior to examination date, so once the examination dates will be declared officially by the department, the tentative dates and official link for downloading JPSC Specialist Doctor Admit Card will be intimated soon to the registered candidates. Call Letter is very important in order to appear for the Exam as the important details like exam venue, exam date, reporting time etc will be mentioned in the respective JPSC Specialist Doctor Admit Card Call Letter 2015. So candidates who need to download their hall ticket are advised to stay in touch with the official website or this webpage in order to get their Jharkhand PSC Hall Ticket for Specialist Doctor Exam.
Organization Name: Jharkhand Public Service Commission
Notification Regarding: JPSC Specialist Doctor Admit Card
Status: Available soon at
Exam Dates: will be intimated soon by the organization
Candidates should stay connected with the official website or this webpage for the latest update and news regarding the JPSC Specialist Doctor Admit Card and Exam Dates. Once the exam dates and link for downloading call letters will be official announced you can download from our webpage through the direct download link which will be provided here.
Important Steps for Downloading Call Letter
First of all official website i.e.
Now choose the desired option.
Then select the option for downloading Admit card option from that webpage.
Enter important details like registration number and application form number etc.
Your Hall Ticket will be displayed to your screen.
Save it and take a print out of it for the future use.
Official Website Link
Visit the Official Link for JPSC Specialist Doctor Admit Card