Important Marketing Questions for Job Interview

Important Marketing Questions for Job Interview | Marketing aptitude Questions for SBI IBPS Job Interview

The Candidates preparing for different government sector exams searching for important marketing questions / Marketing Aptitude their search is over. As we are providing you with the most Important Marketing Questions for Bank Job Interview that will surely help you crack the Bank exams, and master Marketing Questions. The bold words are the answers for the questions.

Important Marketing Questions are:


Q    The transaction of chain shops may be

    (1) In credit        (2) In cash        (3) Both in Cash & in Credit    (4) Only in trade credit

Q    Which factor affecting the promotion?

    (1) Available Fund    (2) Nature of the market    (3) nature of the product

(4) Stage of the product life cycle             (5) All of these

Q    Which is out door exercising?

    (1) Posters        (2) Signboards        (3) Travelling display    (4) Sky Writing        (5) All of these

Q    Personal selling

    (1) Consists of contracting prospective buyers of product personally

    (2) Consists of reducing the quality of product

    (3) Consists of increasing the life of the product

    (4) All of these                    (5) None of these

Q    ‘RIDSAC’ is a

    (1) Buying Process    (2) Marketing method    (3) Selling Process    (4) Product type    (5) Service

Q    In ‘RIDSAC’ R stands for (Inquiry, Display, Suggestion, Additional suggestions and advice, Courtesy)

    (1) Reception        (2) Rate            (3) Role            (4) Request        (5) None

Q.    Which is the method of sales promotion?

(1) Free Samples    (2) Coupons    (3) Contests    (4) Demonstration    (5) All of these

Q.    Which is an essential of a good advertising copy?

(1) Attracting attention    (2) Arousing interest    (3) Understandable     (4) Relievable    (5) All of these

Q.    Sampling as a Sales promotion device is the actual of a free trial of a product to

    (1) Producer        (2) Consumers        (3) Suppliers        (4) Manufacturers    (5) All of these

Q.    A contest is

    (1) Sales Promotion Device             (2) Production Device            (3) Planning Device

    (4) Controlling Device                (5) Cost

Q    The new concept of marketing is based on

    (1) Customer Oriented         (2) production Oriented        (3) Cost Oriented

    (4) Planning Oriented        (5) Management Oriented

Q    Which is the element of new concept of marketing?

    (1) Consumer’s Satisfaction    (2) Profit with Customer’s Satisfaction    (3) Social Responsibility

    (4) Consumer’s Oriented    (5) All of these

Q    Buying motives are

    (1) Those influences or considerations which provide the impulse to buy, induce action or determine choice in

        the purchase of goods or services.

    (2) Those activities which influences to the cost of the product

    (3) Controlling device of the product quality

    (4) All of these

    (5) None of these

Q    The durable products have

    (1) Long Life        (2) Short life        (3) Lower Cost        (4) Lower Quality    (5) All of these

Q.    A ‘Call’ in Marketing Jargon means

    (1) A Phone Call     (2) Browsing the net    (3) To call a prospect    (4) A call Centre        (5) A place of worship

Q    The target group for tractor loans is

    (1) Cold Storage plants            (2) Farmers with large land holding    (3) Farm Labourers

(4) Agriculture Colleges             (5) Vegetable Vendors

Q    The target group for an ATM-cum-Debit Card is

    (1) All primary school children         (2) All Prisoners        (3) Firms

    (4) All existing and prospective customers            (5) Other Bank’s Customers

Q    The target group for a car loan is

    (1) All high income individuals        (2) All car dealers     (3) All students

    (4) All BPL Persons            (5) Blind Persons

Q    The leads for a car loan can be got from

    (1) Car Manufacturing companies    (2) Car dealers        (3) Car owners

    (4) Car Mechanics            (5) Back Office Staff

Q    Sales forecast implies_____

    (1) An estimate of the maximum possible sales opportunities present in a particular market segment

    (2) An estimate of sales in a physical unit, in a future period

    (3) Both 1 and 2             (4) Only 1         (5) Only 2

Q    In advertising for____ is not allowed on T.V.

    (1) Liquor        (2) Cigarettes    (3) Both 1 and 2     (4) Only 1         (5) Only 2

Q    Which among the following is not an example of Direct marketing?

    (1) Tele Marketing    (2) Sales on internet    (3) Mail order sales     (4) Retail stores        (5) None

Q    In Banking services, market can be segmented on the basis of _____

    (1) Density    (2) Customers        3) Both 1 and 2         (4) Only 1         (5) Only 2

Q    A method in which brand equity is measured by comparing difference between the retail price of the brand and

    the retail price of an Un branded product in the same category is called____

    (1) Brand goodwill method    (2) Price premium method (3) Both 1 and 2     (4) Only 1     (5) Only 2

Q    In India, which commission can be approached to curb misleading advertisements _____

    (1) MRTP    (2) MTP        (3) ISPT        (4) QTP        (5) None of this

Q    The Traditional Marketing style involves _____

    (1) Telemarketing    (2) Digital Marketing    (3) Indirect Marketing    (4) Direct Marketing    (5) All of these

Q    Innovation means _______

    (1) Compensation         (2) Inspiration (3) Additional perquisites     (4) Implementing new ideas or new methods            (5) None of these

Q    Modern Method of Marketing include ____

    (1) Publicity on the net         (2) Advertisement on the net    (3) Soliciting business through e-mails

    (4) Tele marketing        (5) All of these

Q    Which of the following sentences is true?

    (1) Marketing is not required in a Buyers Market        (2) Marketing is not required in a sellers market     (3) Marketing is not required due to competition     (4) Marketing is not required due to liberalization (5) Marketing is not required due to globalization

Q    Market information means ___

    (1) Knowledge of shops and bazaars     (2) Knowledge of shopping malls    (3) Knowledge of customer profile and product mix     (4) Knowledge of various languages    (5) None of these

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Q    Which is the following statement is true _______

    (1) Marketing makes the company to go into loss due to higher expenses    (2) Marketing is not required in profit making companies    (3) Marketing sharpens the minds of the employees    (4) Marketing is a time

bound seasonal function     (5) Marketing is a waste of time

Q    Marketing plan helps in _______

    (1) Better lead generation     (2) Better system     (3) Better results    (4) Improved balance sheet (5) Better customer service

Q    In the history of marketing, when did the production period end?

(1) In the late 1800s         (2) In the early 1900s        (3) In the 1920s

(4) After the end of the second world war             (5) None of the above

Q    A marketing philosophy summarized by the phrase ” a good product will sell itself ” is characteristic of the ______ period.

    (1) Production         (2) Sales    (3) Marketing    (4) Relationship        (5) None of these

Q    In the relationship marketing firms focus on ________ relationships with_______

    (1) Short term; customers and suppliers         (2) Long term; customers and suppliers             (3) Short term; customers            (4) Long term; customers        (5) None of these

Q    Today s marketers need…….

    (1) Neither creativity nor critical thinking skills        (2) Both creativity skills but not creativity      (3) Critical thinking skills but not creativity         (4) Creativity but not critical thinking skills

(5) None of these

Q    Which of the following is NOT an element of the marketing mix?

    (1) Distribution         (2) Product    (3) Target Market    (4) Pricing    (5) None of these

Q    Newsletters catalogues and invitations to organization-sponsored events are most closely associated with the marketing mix activity of:

    (1) Pricing     (2) Segmentation     (3) distribution     (4) Product development     (5) Promotion

Q    A market orientation recognizes that:

    (1) Price is the most important variable for customers     (2) What the customer thinks he or she is buying is what is important     (3) selling and marketing are essentially the same thing         (4) Sales depend predominantly on an aggressive sales force     (5) None of these

Updated: May 10, 2016 — 7:03 pm

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