Model Jail Chandigarh Recruitment 2017 | Online application form for Warders, Driver, Gardener, Manager & Other Vacancies
Candidates who are like to join Jail Department Chandigarh, they can apply now. Model Jail Chandigarh released 10 vacancies for various posts. Further, Applicants who are eligible, they can apply for this recruitment through official website. Moreover, Candidate who likes to apply for Model Jail Chandigarh Recruitment 2017 for various posts, they must apply before or on the last date. Applications submitted after due date their application will rejected, so please submit your application on time. Furthermore, Necessary Details like age limit, application fee, educational qualification, selection process, and notification are mentioned below.
Important Dates :
Last Date (Appear in person) : 6 December 2017 at 11:00 am
Model Jail Chandigarh Recruitment 2017 for Online Application form | Model Jail Chandigarh Career
As you know that Model Jail Chandigarh have announced a notice to hire various posts. Candidate who wants to fill the application form for this position, they must have 10th for warders post, martic with driving license for driver post, 8th pass for gardener position, for the project manager and pharmacy for pharmacist. In addition, Selected candidates will get pay according to the govt norms. Candidates age limit is not mention yet. Selection of the applicants on the basis of their documents. These positions are purely contract basis.
Model Jail Chandigarh Jobs
- Organization: Model Jail Chandigarh
- Name of Post:- warders (3 posts), driver (2 posts), gardener (3 posts), project manager (1 posts) and pharmacist (1 posts).
- Total Vacancies:– 10
- Educational Qualification : Candidate must 10th for warders post, martic with driving license for driver post, 8th for gardener position, for the project manager and pharmacy for pharmacist.
- Age Limit : Candidates age limit is not mention yet.
- Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get pay according to the govt norms.
How to apply ?
Downloads Official Notification
- Download Newspaper Official Notification – Click Here