Online Punjabi Typing Practice in UNICODE FONT RAAVI

Online Punjabi Typing Practice in RAAVI font | Start Practice in Punjabi Language in RAAVI font
As you know that, Punjab Subordinate Service Selection Board (PSSSB) have announced notice to conduct the Punjabi type test in RAVI font. Huge number of candidates have worried, because PSSSB have changed the pattern of type test form ASEES font to UNICODE FONT RAAVI . So candidates who are worried or in tense, they don’t need to worried about practicing for Punjabi Typing test. We are providing complete interface for Punjabi typing Practice. Here you can start practicing in RAAVI font.
Moreover candidates may have questions in their mind that, How to type Punjabi in RAAVI font, How to Download RAAVI Font, How to Practice Punjabi Typing in RAAVI Font. Here you can start practicing even without installing any font in your computer. It is faster technique to Typing Punjabi Language in RAAVI font.

How to Download and Install RAAVI Font on your Computer ?

Online Punjabi Typing Practice tutorial in RAAVI Font | How to Type Punjabi in RAAVI font

Online Punjabi Typing PracticeAs you know, Now Punjab govt will organize Punjabi typing tests in RAAVI UNICODE font. So most of the candidates have questions in their mind How to type in Punjabi using RAVI Font, Online Punjabi typing practice tutorial in RAAVI font Punjabi, online typing in new RAAVI font, online Punjabi keyboard practice in new RAAVI font, Online Punjabi typing practice tutorial in RAAVI font, Download RAAVI font etc. Here we have provide the Interface, So that candidates can practice in Punjabi. So, here Interface in provided below, candidates can start practicing online Punjabi typing. Best of Luck for your Practice.

RAAVI Font Lesson Step by Step Leaning


If you have any problem. Please feel free to comment.

Download Reading Material for Punjabi Typing in RAAVI Unicode Font

Updated: August 8, 2017 — 3:41 am


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  1. Sir
    There are some alphabets, symbols which are not shown on the keyboard also not typed by using Alt+Ctrl, these are symbol of question mark, punjabi alphabet ਖ਼ ਗ਼ etc. So please guide us from which alphabets we can type these. and also please provide any software for mock test in raavi font.

    1. respected sir,
      raavi font install karn vich problem aa rhi hai, they r charged $49 how can i install i. plz give me reply soon so that i can do pracise frequently

      1. book ethe to download karlo sab kuz a es ch 25rs only

      2. hi! you don’t need to buy it from anywhere ..
        it is installed in every computer by default.
        you have to just configure it by a few simple steps. For this you can watch any you tube tutorial .

      3. Hello Agar aap Raavi Font Ke Viruddhhh ho to plz contact or whatsup 8968262547

    2. yr ye raavi upr jo software diya h m usme try kr ri hu seekhne ki na ki ms-word me to plz btado (‘) (“) (?) kaha se dalega koi shortcut key upr waley box practice pragarph me chl n ri

      1. Hello Agar aap Raavi Font Ke Viruddhhh ho to plz contact or whatsup 8968262547

    3. Hello Agar aap Raavi Font Ke Viruddhhh ho to plz contact

    4. You can type Alt+k for ਖ਼ and Alt+i for ਗ਼

  2. Neha please use ctrl+alt+k to type ਖ਼ and ctrl+alt+i to type ਗ਼

    1. sir its not work Ctrl+Alt +k to type ਖ਼

      1. Shift+k= ਖ after press ]} = ਖ਼

      2. ਸੱਜੇ ਪਾਸੇ ਵਾਲਾ ALT +K

        1. Hello veer Raavi font Assess font naalo bilkul different hai…Asi 10 years to Assess ch work kar rhe ha..iko dum Raavi Kiwe sikh layiye

  3. sir is ch fingres position ohi access wali hi rhkni a?? nd any book avialable in market for ravi font??

    1. fingures same as asses font and online available hai book.

    2. yes book hegi aa order lyi call karo 9781701701

  4. is there any software available in this font for better practice, as such it was in aseess font like punjabi khilare.

  5. sir jdo koi v 2 words ekthe type krde ha ta hypen de jroorat pendi h. pls tell us how to use hyepn(-)

    1. just press hyepn(-) button.

  6. rada last vala akhar kinve likhya javega….

    1. ctrl + alt nal eh key [ press karo ji. show thid rradha

  7. swaad aa giya psssb ch ravvi font deta……yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhho

    1. bai g , bahot aukha yr , ms office 2016 ch raavi font kam hi nahi kar reha , hora, lavan saaje hath de akar sare hi kade chalde ne te kade nahi , es bare kuj daso

  8. Sir
    question mark ? symbol kese type hoga

  9. Sir
    Adak,bindi,Tippi kaha se pdegi

    1. adak- shift+4 , tippi — only press X

    2. shift+ 4 adak lyi

  10. plz send the raavi font.

  11. plz send the raavi font. plz

  12. Punjab government has no other work…

    vehld ne sarey…

    kadey assess font kadey joy font

    hun aha nama chnd chadd ta raavi font

    illiterate ministers rule on Punjab

    beda gark krke rkh ta Punjab da

    1. ਝੰਡੂ ਮਾਂਨ

      ਸਹੀ ਕਿਹਾ ਭਾ ਜੀ ਸਾਲੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਈ ੳੁਲੂ ਦੇ ਪੱਠੇ ਇਕੱਠੇ ਕੀਤੇ ਨੇ

    2. Shi Kiha Veer…10 Years ho gye ne Assess ch work karde hoye…
      Hello Agar aap Raavi Font Ke Viruddhhh ho to plz contact
      Dosto Assess Font is better and isme hamari already speed hai or whatsup 8968262547

  13. respected sir,
    punjabi de ravi font vich p de par vich rara, question mark, upper wale double and single comma, slash(/), kidha paan ge

    1. madam exam ch question mark, comma slash vgera di koi mistake nhi mni jandi. thanx

  14. sir plz tell me how to install ravvi punjabi typing fort in laptop?

  15. sir plz tell me how to install ravvi punjabi typing fort in laptop?

  16. Sir,

    ? sign ravi font which kis key ton penda hai.

    1. Ravi me jis ke speed 30 hai wo asees me one atempt ch apana name lik ke dekhai

  17. punjabi de ravi font vich p de par vich rara, question mark, upper wale double and single comma,semicolon kidha paan ge

  18. sir
    pls tell me ravi font ka typing tutor kb ayega typing kerte huye bahot problems ho rhi hai

  19. sir pls tell me raavi font vich Urrah open wala & alphabet jajje de pair vich dot/bindi kive type hundi hai

  20. sir ravi font vich p de par vich rara, question mark, upper wale double and single comma,semicolon kidha paan ge

  21. sir overall to esme typing asses se easy hai,,,, but esme ?(qstn mark) -(hyphan) or upr
    (double comma)” ” kaha se type hoge

    1. Alt + 145 = ‘
      Alt + 146 = ‘
      Alt + 147 = ” (open wala)
      Alt + 148 = ” (Close wala)
      Alt + 063 = ?
      Alt + 047 = /
      Alt + 037 = %
      Alt + 058 = :
      Alt + 059 = ;
      Alt + 061 =

      1. Alt + 145 = ‘
        Alt + 146 = ‘
        Alt + 147 = ” (open wala)
        Alt + 148 = ” (Close wala)
        Alt + 063 = ?
        Alt + 047 = /
        Alt + 037 = %
        Alt + 058 = :
        Alt + 059 = ;
        Alt + 061 =
        all the above keys is not working, please advise simple trick or any other way.

        1. book ethe to download karlo sab kuz a es ch 25rs only

          1. Charges Rs 50 not Rs.25

        2. Use 0 before every digist
          as Alt + 0147

  22. teen keys press karne main problem ati hai eski speed to nahi ban sakti.
    Pls change it.

  23. sir pair ch haha kinve likhya javega…

    1. Hello Agar aap Raavi Font Ke Viruddhhh ho to plz contact
      Dosto Assess Font is better and isme hamari already speed hai or whatsup 8968262547

  24. Yr asdfg vale te shift button presh kar ke rakhna pande ya te hjkl lai bina shift yr ehe te panga he hai books he available kara do market vich. Yr ek gal clear kar do mainu ehe raavi hai ya ravi font hai reply me……

  25. Please increase the size of the display (in which the typed practice is visible) above the keyboard.
    So that minimum half page is visible.

  26. ਗੁਰਮੁਖ ਸਿੰਘ

    ਅੱਖਰ ਦੇ ਪੈਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਰਾਰਾ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਪੈਂਦਾ ਹੈ

    1. press d then j pair ch rara pia javega

  27. sir
    akhar de per vich haha kive pvaga

    1. press d then u pair ch haha pai javege..

  28. Press shift 3 for per CH rara and this pattern use for more word ok

  29. For learning rapid typing in Raavi Font, a new special Typing Tutor is under development since the date of the notification. Soon it will be available in the market.

    Rakesh Watts
    M/s IT Solutions
    St.No. 6, 5-6th Chowk, Abohar-152116 (Pb.)
    Ph. 01634-500016, M. 9915995442

  30. please tell me sir, in raavi font percentage da sign kive type krida

  31. please tell me sir, how to type kane uper bindi in ravvi font

    1. press shift x uppar bindi pae javegi…

  32. window 7 vich hai raavi font… apne pc vich ms word open kro..then click on font chnge jithe apa asses likhde han,,, othe raavi find krke uss te click kro,,, and fir shift+alt press krke,,, raavi punjabi font chl peyga… agar na hoea tah control penal vich ja k… languages option vich ja ke,,, punjabi language select kro.. jithe english hoyegi already.. thnksss… try it

    1. dear control pannel vich ja ke v nahi horeha change regionlanguage te click kita and alt press krn naal v nahi hoeya ms-word windows 7 plsssss give ellaborate ki computer de vich kive chlega raavi font…..pls plss plss plss give reply soon as possible.becos m already late to start a practice….

  33. sir plz tell me ? kaun c key press kre

  34. All symbols are typed in raavi font by using following keys. I think these are helpful to all the candidates. Thanks
    Alt + 145 = ‘
    Alt + 146 = ‘
    Alt + 147 = ” (open wala)
    Alt + 148 = ” (Close wala)
    Alt + 063 = ?
    Alt + 047 = /
    Alt + 037 = %
    Alt + 058 = :
    Alt + 059 = ;
    Alt + 061 =
    Alt + ਜ = ਜ਼
    Alt + ਕ = ਖ਼
    Alt + ਗ =ਗ਼
    Alt + ਪ = ਫ਼

    1. Thanks dear

    2. akhra nu chad ke symbol vale button tan work he nahi kar rahe ne…then how we can type these symbol in ms word or notepad.

    3. 3 button tan press karna tan aje phir ve thik c ekthe 4 button press karn nal speed bilkul he ghat javegi nd symbol button r not working…

    4. ੜ es da koi shortcode haii gg..

    5. its not working alt+ਜ

  35. Do anybody know the expected date of exam?

  36. sir plz tell us how can practice in this font

    1. yes ye hi to ek tarika hai govt ke pass hme bahar karne ka

  37. question marks symbol Alt+063 se nhi type ho rha
    plz nitika ji kese padega way bta do

    1. Alt+63= ?

  38. Alt+096 = ‘
    Alt+034=” (open)

  39. book ethe to download kar skde oo ji raavi font di

  40. Alt+034= ”
    Alt+33= !
    Alt+39= ‘
    Alt+44= ,
    Alt + 59 = ;
    Alt + 61 =
    Alt + 63 = ?
    Alt + 62 = >
    Alt + 64= @

  41. But now after seven months font is changed and exam will take how many months don’t know

  42. please tell about any tutor regarding this………..

  43. please tell about any tutor regarding this………..

  44. ਪੈਰ ਵਿਚ ਹਾਹਾ ਕਿਦਾ ਪਏਗਾ

  45. Pairi haha and pairi bindi pauni badi aukhi hai.

  46. hlo sir question mark??? kive phenda he any one tell me

  47. sir,
    is paragraph which symbls nahi chal rahe
    like : per ch rr
    per ch haha
    and RRaadda v nahi pe riha

  48. Sir, I want to download the “Raavi” font for the practice, please guide me the place where I can have it.
    Thank you in advance

  49. adak kitho paini plz koi dsega

  50. per ch bindi wale jo word Alt nall pende ne oh nahi chal rahe sir. what is problem. please reply anyone

  51. respective sir,
    please tell me sir k raavi font ch jive kapra (cloth) ch end wala akhar rara kive peyaga.

    1. Shift + J

    2. please send me download link of raavi font



    1. press alt shift


  55. ANYBODY HELP ME PLEASE. 9815024608 . Ravvi font can not work in window 7.

  56. Right alt use kr ke dekho

    1. ok.. now working thanks

  57. ctrl + alt +{ nal ੜ bhut muskil nal penda haii..koi esay way haii??

  58. ੜ = ctrl + alt + {

  59. There are some “,’,:,%, symbols which are not shown on the keyboard also not typed by using Alt+Ctrl, these are symbol of question mark, . So please guide us from which alphabets we can type these. and also please provide any software for mock test in raavi font.

  60. Speed, Time and Accuracy not shown . How we check our speed and accuracy

  61. sir punjabi raavi font vich type tan shi jo janda but jdo print lende han tan printing shi nhi andi
    khas krke jithe sihari payi jandi hai uthe space aa jandi ae…

    1. phla akhar pao us ton baad vch sihari pao fir ni aundi

  62. how can we download ravi font??


  64. RAAVI Font Lesson Step by Step Leaning
    Download Reading Material for Punjabi Typing in RAAVI Unicode Font..
    dont enter this links guys..this link is hack ur fb carefull..

  65. punjab government time pass kr rahi hai bas, kadey aseess kade joy hun aa raavi……unpad (illiterate) ministers ruling on Punjab, te beda gark krkey rakh ta…….


  67. ਗੁਰਦਾਸ ਸਿੰਘ

    ਅੱਖਰਾਂ ਦੇ ਪੈਰ ਵਿੱਚ (ਹ) ਕਿੱਥੋਂ ਪੈ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ ਕੀ ਕੋਈ ਦੱਸ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।

    1. d+u=ਨ੍ਹ

  68. ਪੈਰ ਵਿੱਚ ‘ਹ’ਪਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਸ਼ਿਫਟ + ਟੈਬ ਦੇ ਉੱਪਰ ਜੋ ਟਿਲਡ ਦਾ ਸਾਈਨ ਹੈ ਉਸਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰੈਸ ਕਰੋ।

    1. pair vch haha kive paega????

  69. unicode ravi font means a ton ਅ s ton ਸ d ton ਦ hona cahida hai. but you so different font which is right cant understand pls clear

  70. What is the reason behind this change


  72. Sir,
    How can we type colon semi colon inverted comas as like ; : ‘ ” in unicode raavi punjabi font

  73. mera systema windom 2009 da hai te us vich regional language vich punjabi nahi hai ki main through interent us vich raavi font vich practise kar sakdi han ja nahi, pleas tell me. ja phir menu system upgrade karvana pavega

  74. mera system purana hai us vich regional language vich pujbai langugage add nahi hai ki main through network raavi font vich practise kar sakdi hai ja phir menu system upgrade karvana pavega, please tell me solution .

  75. Dear All Please send the true link of Raavi Font ASAP

  76. plzzzz koe das sakda ha ki jdo apa kisa v akhar jiva khaka paoda ha ta phr hoda ja shari bhari paoda ha ta ta par vich . paoda ha ta oh gap ho jadi ha plz dso chaiya pahla . pa lo phr hoda ja hor koe lava dulava pa ta gap ho jadi ha plzzz dso kiva dova chgeja pan geya

    1. plzz ans me any body knew this send me correct option

      1. raavi font kdo tak guide kart sak de han atte usde validaty kinne hoveegee

    2. veer ji es site te punjabi typing ravi test da software provide kita oh download krke practise krlo

      1. Sir punjabi typing ka software expired ho chuka hai usko activate kase karo ravi unicode complaint font download hi nhi ho rahi

    3. pehla akhar pa fr baad cho matra pa koi

  77. par vich bindi to agli side bindi kinve paye gi g dso g plz jive
    V.I.P punjabi vich

    1. paji mainu link send kar do kive install karna font email id te-

    2. > is arrow nal veer ji

  78. koi v matha na maro yaro aa sab kuch punjab sarkar do nokrea na den da dhang hai yar aa ki gall hoi k hun RAAvi font vich typing hove gi koi majak chal reaha hai k ithe typing sikan vaste aap sab ji nu ta pata hi hai k kine hard work di load hai koi nokari nai dinda hai na matha maro j kar tusci raavi font vich tyri kar lo ge ta fir punjab sarkar bole gi ki hun Asses font vich typing honi ta aa sab maje le rahe han is kar k is cheaj nu chad k center di tyri karo state government froad hai menu baut gusa aa reah hai par kuj kar v nai sakde baut hard work kar k mai punjabi vich typing sikhe c par hun mai ravvi font vich tyri kar k apna hath nai kharb kar sakda koi gal nai mitro koi hor tyri kar lau ok

    1. Hello veer plz confirm your number or what s up me 8968262547

  79. Sir g, please tell me k 03 of 2016 Data Entry Operator type test wich written test hona hai ja nhi ja only type test hona hai g. most urgent & thanks

    1. KI Tusi Raavi Font Sikh chuke ho Kuldeep Kaur G. ????
      what s up me 8968262547

  80. pls koi das sakda hai ki ” coma te ‘ kitho penda hai pls agar pta hai te das do menu

    1. alt+39 and 34

    2. yr m kol penda

  81. yaar mainu v daso question mark da nishan kitho painda hai par ravvi font vich koi questionn mark menstion nhi kita hoya

  82. question mark left Alt + 58 to penda hai

    1. nahi g 63 ton pavega .

  83. koe das sakda ha ki mare laptop vich 45 press karan te – nhi panda ,balki ik pan da pata pa janda hai please tell me ki kara ki setting hai

    1. dear admit card aea kya aoka mene b fill kia hai computer oierator ka btana agar aea to plas

  84. mara laptop ta punjabi typing karan time jo code symble panda han oho comepletely nhi pande half pa jande hn te half de jaga te kuj hor hi pa janda hai plese das do ki setting hai.

  85. agar admit card a ge ho to bai plas btana

  86. aradha g admit card ae kya computer operator ke or pehle wroten hai ka typing bnata plss

  87. sandeep hoshiarpuria

    koi hai jo das skda hai ki ? chin and % and / kis tarha penge …

  88. hlo ਕੋਈ ਦਸ ਸਕਦੇ ਨੇ ਕਿ ਾ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਬਿੰਦੀ ਕਿਸ ਤਰਾ ਅਾਏਗੀ .

  89. hlo koi das sakda test kado aa

  90. sir pls tell me how to install ravi unicode font on computer

  91. Hello Dosto Assi Takriban 12 Years to “ASEES FONT” wich work kar rhe ha…and saadi speed 35-38 DE wich wich hai.. Hun Raavi Kiwe Sikh layiye ….????? Raavi Font wich kiwey Tiyaari kariye…..Govt. nu 2nd Option vi deni chahidi si.Jisnu Raavi wich Test Dena hai Raavi Wich de dwega and jisne ASEES Font ch Tet Dena Hai oh Asees Ch De skda hai….
    Whatsup 89682-62547

  92. eh sab to aasaan tarika hai darshan nu disqualify karan da

  93. HELLO HI

  94. hello plz koi das do yr and ? chin and ? / % kis key to penghe ga

    1. Hi TANU This is the answer to your question
      Alt + 145 = ‘
      Alt + 146 = ‘
      Alt + 147 = ” (open wala)
      Alt + 148 = ” (Close wala)
      Alt + 063 = ?
      Alt + 047 = /
      Alt + 037 = %
      Alt + 058 = :
      Alt + 059 = ;
      Alt + 061 =
      Alt + ਜ = ਜ਼
      Alt + ਕ = ਖ਼
      Alt + ਗ =ਗ਼
      Alt + ਪ = ਫ਼

  95. hello plz koi das do yr and ? chin and ? / % kis key to penge ga

  96. alt+ to kuz v nhi ho ta

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