PPSC Inspector Audit Result 2017 July Exam Merit List

Check Punjab PPSC Inspector Audit Result 2017 Cut off Marks and Merit List of Qualified Candidates | PPSC Result for Audit Officer and Child Development Project Officer

In this notification we will provide you the updates regarding the PPSC Inspector Audit Result 2017 which is scheduled by Punjab Public Service Commission to be conducted on 09.07.2017 across various centers at Patiala from 11 am to 1 pm. The test will be conducted for the job seekers who had applied online for the Punjab PPSC Recruitment for Audit Officer, Child Development Project Officer and Inspector Audit the year 2017. Huge numbers of candidates are going to appear in the Punjab Inspector Audit Written Exam and will be eagerly looking for the PPSC Result 2017 of Inspector Audit 9 July Exam with other important details like cut off marks, scorecard, merit list etc. So this notification is regarding the PPSC Inspector Result 2017 for July Examination.

The Organization will recruit the eligible candidates for the 578 vacant vacancies on the basis of their performance obtained in the exam followed by the interview/verification of documents for the qualified candidates of written test. The admit card can be downloaded from 29 June onwards from the official website. As many candidates were waiting from a long time for the PPSC Inspector Audit Exam, now their wait is over.

PPSC Inspector Audit Result Date 2017 | 9 July Test Scorecard and Merit List

Common questions going in the mind of students are: What will be the Expected Cut off of Punjab PPSC Inspector Audit 9 July Exam 2017, when will be the PPSC Inspector Audit Result 2017 of July Exam will be declared, Date of Release of PPSC 2017 Scorecard Marks and Merit List of Qualified Candidates etc. Candidates are also required to meet the cut off marks. These are the minimum qualifying marks that a candidate needs in order to qualify the test. If an applicant fails to achieve the cut off marks he or she is not eligible to appear for the next selection process.

Name of the Organization Punjab Public Service Commission
Name of the Exam Audit Officer, Child Development Project Officer and Inspector Audit
Date of the Exam 9 July 2017
PPSC Answer Key Available few days after the exam
Declaration Date of PPSC Result Declared
Official Website www.ppsc.gov.in

Punjab PPSC Result for Audit Officer, Child Development Project Officer and Inspector Audit

The PPSC Inspector Audit Result 2017 will be available soon at the official website. So candidates should stay in touch with the official website in order to get latest updates. We have also mentioned below the official website link from where you can get your Punjab PPSC Inspector Audit 2017 Result and Cut off Marks. For more details visit the official staff website.

PPSC Inspector Audit 9 July 2017 Result

Punjab Audit Officer Cut off Marks 2017

PPSC Child Development Project Result

Click here to Get Result <– Result Available

Official Website – www.ppsc.gov.in


Add a Comment
  1. expected cut off marks for general category

    1. Gen 50-55

      1. Are u sure….???

    2. how many questions are correct of you as per PPSC Answer key?

      1. your marks pls mine 198

  2. Expexted cutt off marks for BC category

  3. Expected cutt off for BC category?

  4. mine 66 general expected cut of

  5. result kb tk aayega …??? audit inspector ka

  6. how many candidates appeared for this exam? any idea….

  7. how many candidates appeared for this exam? any idea..

    1. Total Candidates – 4254

  8. Cuttoff of SC candidate

    1. Your Correct Attempts….??

  9. Cutt off SC(m&b) and SC(RO) plz tell me aboutit about InspectorAudit.

    1. Your Correct Attempts…??

  10. Anty info about results!???

  11. I have 111 marks in sc category can I eligible

  12. I have 111 marks in sc category can I eligible for it

  13. 14 September vla notice check kr lo site te
    Jina de documents rehnde a kr do send before 22 September by mail
    N jina ne sign krne a form te oh personally sign kr Aan office ja ke.

  14. 14 September da audit inspector da notice check kr lo…..

  15. Result aa gya.

  16. Joining ki kya process rhegi
    Kis website pe pta krna pdega
    PPSC wale to keh rhe hain hmara kaam to just result declare krne tk ka tha

  17. Kise nu further process da kuj v pta lge ta das Dayo plzzz!

  18. Wait for atleast one month
    U will get mail from us in your registered email id’s
    N also give info on our department site
    These are the words of a employee of audit department of cooperation.

  19. What is official website in which shortlisted candidates shall be declared.

  20. Punjabcooperation.gov.in

  21. Hlo…Mai nehri patwari a
    Mainu counselling te jaan to phla resign Dena hou ya baad vich?
    Plzzz do reply!

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