Rajasthan Jail Prahari Result 2016 | rajprisons.nic.in Jail Warder Result Cut off Marks and Merit List of 24 Jan 2016 written exam
As we know that Rajasthan Police Department conducted written examination on 24 Jan 2016 for the 925 vacancies available for the posts of Rajasthan Jail Warder. The examination was scheduled on this date as per the tentative dates which were announced in Rajasthan Jail warder Official Notification 2015-16. The examination was of objective type nature carrying 400 marks. The exam consisted of three sections – Section A was containing reasoning 45 questions carrying 180 marks, Section B was containing general science and current affairs questions. There were 20 questions in Section B carrying 100 marks. Section C was containing questions based on Art, History etc. There were 30 questions in this section carrying 120 marks. Many candidates who had applied for this recruitment drive appeared in the written examination which was conducted on 24 January 2016. Now candidates are searching for the Rajasthan Jail Prahari Result 2016 Date. In addition to the result, applicants are looking out for Rajasthan Jail Warder Cut off Marks 2016 and Merit List as well as List of Candidates shortlisted for Physical efficiency test.
Candidates who will be qualify the Rajasthan Jail Prahari Result 2016 of 24 Jan written exam will be called for the physical efficiency test. The admit card and date of PET Test of Rajasthan Jail warder will be intimated soon after the declaration of the Rajasthan Jail Prahari Result 2016 Cut off Marks of 24.01.2016.
Rajasthan Jail Prahari (Warder) Cut off Marks 2016 of Jan written exam
Candidates can also check their Rajasthan Jail Prahari Marks Scores of January written exam and Rajasthan Jail Warder Cut off Marks 2016 from the official website. So Candidates should stay in tuned with the official website in order to obtain their Rajasthan Jail Prahari Result Cut off Marks Merit List 2016. The Result and Cut off can also be obtained from our website once it will be declared officially by the main organization. The merit list will contain the candidates who will be declared qualified in the written exam and who will be eligible for the Rajasthan Jail Warder PET Test. The admit cards for PET Test will be uploaded within few days after the declaration of the results. The PET test dates and result announcement date will be intimated to the candidates at the main website only.
www.rajprisons.nic.in jail warder result 2016
Name of the organization: Rajasthan Police Department
Name of the post: Jail Prahari (Prison Warder/Guard)
Total vacancies: 925
Exam date: 24th January 2016
Notification: Rajasthan Jail Prahari Result 2016
Result date: Available shortly at official website
Further process: Physical efficiency test
Physical test mark: 100
PET Test: Updated soon
Official Website: www.rajprisons.nic.in
Rajasthan Jail Prahari Expected Cut off Marks and Merit List 2016
Candidates can calculate the expected cut off marks based upon the results of the previous year exams. The merit list will be uploaded at the official website. Candidates can also refer official answer keys to calculate their expected marks they can obtain in Rajasthan Jail Prahari Result 2016.
You can follow the important steps given below in check your Result.
- Go to the official site www.rajprisons.nic.in
- Search the link displaying Rajasthan Jail Prahari Result 2016 on the homepage,
- Click on that link.
- Download the result in PDF format and check your name and roll number in the merit list.
Official Download Link
Rajasthan Jail Warder Result 2016