Rajasthan University Results 2016 for BCOM, BBA, BSC, BCA uniraj.ac.in

Check Rajasthan University Results 2016 for B.COM, BBA, BSC, BCA Exams uniraj.ac.in

Rajasthan University successfully conducted exams for the various courses of B.COM, BBA, BCA and BSC for the academic year 2015-2016. Candidates who appeared in these examinations are now waiting to see their Rajasthan University Results 2016 for the B.COM, BSC, BBA and BCA. The results will be available shortly at the official website of University of Rajasthan which is www.uniraj.ac.in. After the official declaration of Result, candidates can download their Rajasthan University B.COM Result and for BSC, BCA and BBA also from the direct official link we have provided below. The UNIRAJ.AC.IN Results 2016 will be available online.

Rajasthan University BCOM BBA Results 2016

University of Rajasthan offers various courses for UG and PG students. Recently the university conducted examinations for the Annual Exams for various courses like MTECH, BA and LLB etc. Now the university is undergoing the process of uniraj.ac.in B.COM Result 2016 Preparation for Part I, II and III. In addition to this the candidates can also check their marks attained in the examinations with the release of the results. The Results of RU BBA for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year are already released online and candidates can download them.

All those students who appeared in the March April Exams of B.COM for General and Honors can check their Rajasthan University Results 2016 from the official website. To download their result and marks attained candidates just need to provide their roll number in order to download their RU Results 2016 for BCA, BBA, BCOM and BSC for First, Second and Third Year. From the below link you can download your mark sheet or scorecard for these exams. You can also check your result from many popular websites like indiaresults.com, bharatstudent.com etc for the Rajasthan University Results. Candidates can also apply for the re checking for exams if they are not satisfied with the results. Candidates who didn’t get pass marks can fill up the supplementary form also.

Check uniraj.ac.in B.COM Result

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