Apply online for Rajasthan WRD Recruitment 2016 | Rajasthan 1104 Junior Engineer/ Junior Clerk/ Patwari/ Vehicle driver posts | Latest Rajasthan Govt Jobs
The candidates who were eagerly waiting for the Rajasthan govt jobs will be happy to see the golden opportunity this year. Yes Candidates! Your wait is over as Rajasthan govt has released huge number of vacancies for you. It is the great opportunity for the candidates of 10th and 10+2 pass too along with graduates. This is a great opportunity for the candidates of Rajasthan. Rajasthan government has recently issued the Water Resources Department Rajasthan Notification 2016 for the recruitment of 1104 Junior Engineer, Junior Clerk, Patwari, Vehicle Driver Vacancies. WRD also known as the Water Resource Department has the concern for ensuring the sustainable development of water resources of the Rajasthan state.
The main task of WRD Rajasthan is to make resources plans, water resources policy, national water resources policy, water resources projects, state water policy, etc. This Organization every year along with these tasks also releases employment notifications to the candidates of its state. This year the organization has come up with huge number of vacancies. As Rajasthan WRD Recruitment 2016 has invited 1104 applications through online mode on or before official date which is a great opportunity for the candidates seeking for Rajasthan govt job.
Patwari Online Application forms are already available on WRD rajasthan official website the candidates who are willing and eligible to apply for Rajasthan 1104 Junior Engineer/ Junior Clerk/ Patwari / Vehicle driver posts can apply online. The other details like selection process, age limit, important dates, important links regarding Rajasthan 1104 Junior Engineer/ Junior Clerk/ Patwari / Vehicle driver posts 2016 are given below.
Details regarding Rajasthan WRD Recruitment 2016:
Name of the Organization: Rajasthan Water Resources Department
Official web portal:
Name of the post: various posts (Junior Engineer/ Junior Clerk/ Patwari / Vehicle driver posts)
Total no. of Vacancies: 1104
Vacancies Division:
Junior Engineer – 771 Posts
Junior Clerk – 232 Posts
Patwari – 65 Posts
Vehicle Driver – 36 Posts
Job location: Rajasthan
Job category: State Govt job
Age Limit: Candidates age for Rajasthan WRD recruitment 2016 should be 18 years- 35 years. Age relaxation will be applicable according to the rules.
Educational qualification: Candidate should have passed 10th / 12th / graduation/ in relevant discipline from any recognized / govt approved institution.
Selection Process: Candidates for Rajasthan 1104 Junior Engineer/ Junior Clerk/ Patwari/ Vehicle driver posts 2016 will be selected on the basis of their performance in the written examination and interview round.
Further Pay scale, fee structure details can be viewed through the official notification. The official notification can be downloaded through the official web portal or through the link provided below.
The Important dates- start date to apply online and last date to apply will be updated soon as the officials announces. Stay updated and connected to our website.
Click here to download notification
Click here to apply online
Regarding Admit Card / Hall Ticket for rajasthan WRD exam 2016:
The candidates who will apply for Rajasthan WRD Recruitment 2016 will be provided with registration number and password. Candidates are suggested to keep these details safe with them as it will be used in future to download admit card for Rajasthan WRD Exam 2016. The admit cards will be provided 2 weeks prior the examination. Candidates should stay connected and updated with the official website or with this website as every news will be updates as soon as officially announced.
Admit Card Rajasthan WRD Exam 2016