SCERT Odisha Result 2017 | Merit List for SCERT Odisha B.Ed. D.El.Ed and M.Ed 9th July Entrance Exam 2017
State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) Odisha conducted written Exam 2017 which is a Entrance Exam held for admission into various courses like B.Ed., D.El.Ed and M.Ed course. The Odisha State Council of Education Research and Training Exam was conducted on 9 July 2017. In this post we will provide you the updates regarding the SCERT Odisha Result 2017 which was scheduled by Odisha SCERT B.Ed., D.El.Ed and M.Ed Exam 2017. Huge number of candidates who had applied online for SCERT Odisha B.Ed., D.El.Ed and M.Ed Entrance Exam Exam 2017 appeared in this exam conducted on 02/07/2017.
Candidates who appeared in this exam can check their Result of SCERT Odisha B.Ed D.El.Ed and M.Ed Entrance Exam 2017 from the official website We have also mentioned below the important links from where you can check your SCERT Odisha B.Ed D.El.Ed and M.Ed Entrance Exam Merit List 2017. Huge numbers of candidates appeared in the Exam and now are anxiously looking for the SCERT Odisha Entrance Exam with other important details like cut off marks, scorecard, merit list etc.
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This notification is to provide the complete details regarding the SCERT Odisha Exam Result 2017 for 9th July Entrance Exam All Sets. SCERT Result 2017 are solely on merit of the candidates. Admission of the candidates includes deciding factors like caste, marks obtained in the University Entrance Test etc.The Odisha SCERT Result 2017 is being held for admission in Odisha B.Ed., D.El.Ed and M.Ed Course. The SCERT Odisha Entrance Exam 2017 Result Final merit list will prepared on overall performance in the entrance examination. The candidates who have secured qualifying marks in the examination will have to appear in the SCERT counseling procedure. At the time of counseling the candidates are required to select the course and choose the college where they want to take admission. SCERT Odisha Result 2017
>> SCERT Odisha Answer Key 2017 July Exam Expected Cut off <<
SCERT Odisha Result 2017 Cut off Marks | SCERT Odisha Entrance Exam Result Date 2017 | Check SCERT Odisha Entrance Exam Result 2017 Merit List
University of Odisha will shortly release the SCERT Odisha Entrance Exam Result at its official website and candidates can check their SCERT Odisha Entrance Test Result 2017 for B.Ed. D.El.Ed and M.Ed from the below mentioned official links. Candidates are also required to meet the cut off marks. These are the minimum qualifying marks that a candidate needs in order to qualify the test. If an applicant fails to achieve the cut off marks he or she is not eligible to appear for the next selection process. For more details regarding SCERT Odisha Result 2017 visit the official website. SCERT Odisha Result 2017
Delhi University is having a responsibility to provide quality of administration as well as education. Talking about only in Delhi. They are providing Engineering & Non- Engineering Trades as well having various seats available. As their maximum try is to give quality education for an upcoming generation. SCERT B.Ed. D.El.Ed and M.Ed Entrance Test 2017 Result | SCERT Odisha Entrance Exam Result 2017 | SCERT Odisha Result 2017
Institute Name: | State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) Odisha |
Official Web Page: | |
Category: | Result/ Merit List/ Cut off Marks |
Exam Name: | Entrance Exam |
Examination Venue: | All over Odisha centers |
Test Level: | State level |
Exam Date: | 9th July 2017 |
Notification regrading: | SCERT Odisha Result 2017 |
Result Declaration Status: | Declared |
Steps to Check SCERT Odisha Result 2017
- First of all visit official website
- Click on result section.
- Look around for SCERT Odisha Result 2017 for B.Ed. D.El.Ed and M.Ed Entrance Exam
- Enter your roll number.
- Click on submit button.
- Your SCERT Odisha Result 2017 will shown to you.
Important Links and Downloads
How many marks cut off for st arts
Please comment sir
I have 72 mark from obc category. …should I qualify for b.ed (science)…..plz rply sir.
Expected cut off B.ed. Sc.
90 in PCM and 85 in CBZ
and 70 CT marks…!!
In d.el.ed General cut off -55 to 60 ,in b.ed pcm -85 to 90
thank u sir ji i secured 57.5 marks in ct general can i hope for a seat i have also green card…..
In d.el.ed General expected cut off -55 to 60 ,in b.ed pcm -85 to 90
when the answer kes of b.ed exam. of scert will be published,sir?
Thanks sir, because you will give d.el ed answer sheet.
Thanks sir, because you will give d.el ed answer sheet.
Can u plz send me the answer key of b. Ed science
I have 97 marks in BEd entrance test ,As i applicable for BEd addmission or not.
Plz give me b. Ed science 2017 answer key plzz…… I don’t find answer key. So plz some one help me and send me the answer key…..
I have 100.50 marks in rie cee ,as i applicable for bed admission in bbsr or not
sorry you can try on
sir i need my dl.ed and B.ed arts answer sheet
D.EI.Ed and B.Ed answer sheet send me in my Facebook sir,because I have done well in both this exam.plz sir.
Sir ama ct ra kebe merit list asiba
sir how can i find b.ed answer key?
Sir I can’t find bh.ed answer sheet plz sir help me
may be b.ed cut off 80mark
please give me ct and bed answer key…
B.ed arts cutoff kete jiba
I have physics,chemistry and information technology as combination can u tell me whether it is pcm,cbz or other science
Sir my bed score is 75 in PCM catagory and I belong ti SEBC. Would I be selected for B.Ed admission? Please reply.
What is cutoff marks for bed (pcm) ?
What will the cut off mark of del.ed-2017 for SC(arts)category. plz sir rply….
del.ed cut off mark2017 for ST (arts) category. plz sir reply
Sir pls tell me the cut- off mark of b.ed arts stream
My b. Ed score 85 cbz belongs to sebc category can i select for b.ed
Sir del.ed arts scbc cut off mark ——-?
Sir del.ed arts scbc cut off mark ——-?
Expected cutoff for odia arts b.ed??
Plz sir kindly reply
95-100. For general
Sir when will the result published
My entrance mark 110.50 can i select b.ed other arts.
Expected cutoff Mark for other science
I ve secured 83.25 n urs
I ve secured 83.25
Sir, if u r unable to give the answer of our questions then remove the comment section !!
Plz I request you to upload cutoff and score card plz sir I earnestly request u
45 marks in ct S.E..B.C sir then i slected sir
Hey guys I have created a POLL so that you can vote your score for B.Ed and CT.So I can exactly Calculate the appropriate SCORE.Please Vote and tell your friends to Vote.
For D.el.ed(CT)-
For B.Ed –
CT ST cutoff mark Kate jiba sir plz answer
Sir moro 37.75 mark asichi mote seat milipariboki cutoff kebe bahariba
Didi tomoro request purono hebonahi
sir b.ed cutoff Kate jiba
What is the cut off mark of CT for sebc
Pls sir replay me ct ra cut of kete jiba genarealre
madam 70 jiba kau much u secured?
When was released d.el.ed cutoff sir
sir what is d espected out off mark of scert arts?
sir what is d espected out off mark of scert arts????
sir plz reply
What is the cutoff mark of scert ct for sebc.. Plz rply me sir?
sir ex man and sebc other science cut off ???
B.ed cut off 100.25jiba for general.sssssure.
Sir ST arts cutoff mark…..?please sir replay me.In which date cutoff mark will published?
Sir b.ed meritlist kebe bahariba
I have secured 63.75 in ct belongs to sebc and arts .will i eligible for a seat ?
sir,which date published merit list in all catagory of ct&bed plzplz kind rply
I secured 69.75 in ct entrance stream science,catagory general .can i selected .
When the 2nd selection will be published .????.kindly rply me sir..
Sir i am bilong sc category my secured mark 50 strim science 2nd selection me ayaga kya please tell me
I am belongs to sc category and secured 84.25 in b.ed com.whether I select in second merit list?
sir I am secure 75.25 marks in bed.can I select in 2nd category is sc
sir bed 2nd selection kebe bahariba…