SSC CHSL 10+2 Syllabus 2016-17 | Download Latest Exam Pattern for SSC CHSL 2017 Exam
Every year Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts Written Examination for recruitment of Selection Lower Division Clerk, Data Entry Operator Posts. Combined higher secondary level examination is now compulsory for all those candidates who want to seek employment in various govt departments. In this article you will get to know all the latest exam pattern and complete syllabus as well as Selection Procedure of SSC CHSL 10+2 Exam 2017. This year also, SSC have announced notification regarding SSC CHSL 2017. Applicant who are preparing for written examination of SSC CHSL, they may be searching for SSC CHSL 10+2 Syllabus 2016. So, those candidates can download Exam Pattern for SSC CHSL 2016 from here. This year Recruitment authority have changed exam pattern. So, applicants can download SSC CHSL 10+2 Syllabus 2016 with new Pattern from here.
SSC CHSL 10+2 Syllabus 2016-17 | Download Latest Exam Pattern of SSC CHSL Exam 2016-17
As per latest news, SSC have announced new exam pattern for Selection of DEO, LDC in various departments, which are participating in SSC CHSL Exam 2017. Selection of candidate will base on Written exam, Descriptive paper, Skill/Type Test. In written exam, there will 200 questions. There will 1 mark for each correct answer. 0.25 mark will deducted from correct answer if candidate gives wrong answer. So, in this exam, they will 4 sections English Language, Reasoning, Quantitative aptitude and General Knowledge. Further, SSC CHSL 10+2 Syllabus 2016 and Exam pattern is given below.
Tier-I SSC CHSL Syllabus 2016 | Exam Pattern for SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2016
Sr. No. | Name of Tests | No. of Questions | Max. Marks | Duration |
1. | English Language | 50 | 50 | 2hour |
2. | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | |
3. | Reasoning | 50 | 50 | |
4. | General Knowledge | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 200 | 200 |
Tier-II SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper Pattern 2016-17
- The duration of paper would be for one hour.
- This paper comprises writing of an essay of 200-250 words and Letter/Application of approximately 150-200 words.
- Minimum qualification marks in Tier II will 33% The performance in Tier II would be
included for preparing merit. - Paper will have to written in either English or Hindi language. Part paper written in Hindi and Part in English will not be evaluated.
- Tier III will consists of Skill/Typing Test which would be of a qualifying nature.
- Skill/Typing test will held immediately after some days of Descriptive test. Specific dates will be declared soon.
Tier | Marks | Time Duration |
Tier II (Descriptive) | 200 marks | 2 Hours |
Click here to download New SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper Pattern 2017
Tier-III SSC CHSL Skill Test/Type Test 2016-17
At last, Candidates who will pass descriptive test and written test, they will be called for Skill tests. In this test candidate will have to type 2000 (two thousand) key depressions for a duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes.
Tier | Marks | Time Duration |
Tier III | 2000 (two thousand) key depressions for a duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes | 15 Minutes for Typing skill |
Important Links and Downloads
Click here to download SSC CHSL 10+2 Syllabus 2016
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Mere email per SSC chsl ka new pattern send kre.
Respected sir,
Pls send me SSC CHSL questions pattern on my email….
sanjulata you can check it from our has been mentioned
sir mere email id par ssc chsl ka naya exam pattern bhej dijiye.
Respected sir please inform me new pattern of ssc pldec paper
Sir plz send previous question papers my mail
Sir plz send previous question papers my mail s
combined higher secondary level 10 2 examination plz send my gmail address solved paper
Sir plz send previous question papers my mail s
Respected sir,
ssc chsl ka previous paper jitne bhi h send kr dijiye……plz sir
sir please send previous year question for ssc Chsl
koi fayda nhai nhai h, ssc ki tyari karne ka kyoki paper tou hamesa leak hota h