TNUSRB Police Constable Result 2017 (21 May Exam) Merit List

Check Tamil Nadu TNUSRB Police Constable Result 2017 Merit List of Qualified and Shortlisted Candidates Names Roll Numbers | Cut off Marks of TN Constable 21 May Exam

In this post we will provide you the updates regarding the TNUSRB Police Constable Result 2017 for the written conducted on 21-05-2017 which was scheduled for the 15711 vacant vacancies for Constable, Fireman and Jail Warder Posts. The test was conducted for all those applicants who had applied for the TNUSRB Police Recruitment 2017 for the 15711 Vacancies. Huge numbers of candidates appeared in the TN Constable OMR Based May Written Exam and are anxiously looking for the TNUSRB Police Constable Answer Key 21 May 2017 with other important details like cut off marks, result declaration date, scorecard, merit list etc. So this notification we will provide solutions set-wise as Set-A, Set-B, Set-C & Set-D and candidates can check their Answers. TN Police Constable Key Sheet PDF helps to the candidates to estimate their merit in the Examination.

The selection process will consist of Written Test, Physical Test, Medical Test, Interview (If any) and Final Merit List. Now after attending the written exam, applicants are looking for the TN Police Constable Answer Key 2017 as with the help of the solutions, candidates can calculate their expected cut off marks and performance of written examination. Tamil Nadu TNUSRB Police Constable Result 2017, Set A, Set B, Set C and Set D Jail Warder Fireman and Constable Exam Answer Key 2017 information will provide soon in the official web portal. Candidates can know the approximate result by comparing answer with TNUSRB Police Constable Answer Key 2017.

TNUSRB Police Constable Result 2017 | 21/05/2017 TN Constable Exam Cut Off Marks Scorecard and Merit List

Candidates who attended the Grade 2 Constable Exam, Jail Warder and Fireman are curious to know the TNUSRB Police Constable Expected Cut off Marks which can be calculated with the help of the exam key. With this applicants can prepare themselves for the next selection process and other related upcoming competitive exams. The Expected Cut off Marks can be easily calculated by taking a look on the previous year results and cut off marks. Each year it varies for different categories like SC, ST, OBC and PWD Candidates depending upon the performance of the applicants.
In addition to it, candidates are also required to score the cut off marks. These are the minimum qualifying marks that a candidate needs in order to qualify the test. If an applicant fails to achieve the cut off marks he or she is not eligible to appear for the next selection process. You can check the Cut off Marks for TN Police Constable, Jail warder and Fireman Exam held on 21 May 2017. The cut off marks along with the merit list and scorecard will be released with the Tamil Nadu TNUSRB Police Constable Result 2017 at the official website which is

TN Police Jail Warder Result 2017

Tamil Nadu TNUSRB Fireman Result Cut off Marks 2017

TNUSRB Police Constable Result and Merit List 2017

Tamil Nadu TNUSRB Police Result 2017 for Constable, Jail Warder and Fireman | Merit List of Qualified Candidates with Names and Roll Numbers

The TN Police Constable Scorecard contains the marks of the candidate obtained in the written examination. In addition to this, it will display the sectional marks as well as overall marks of the candidates achieved in the online examination. Candidates can download their Tamil Nadu TNUSRB Police Scorecard 2017 with the release of the results. The scorecard can be downloaded by entering the important details like registration and date of birth or password

Name of the Organization Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board
Name of the Exam Police Constable, Jail Warder, and Fireman
Date of the Exam 21 May 2017
TNUSRB Police Result June (Expected)
Official Website

The TN Police Constable cut off will be different for the General, OBC, SC, ST Category applicants. So, the applicants should check the cut-off according to their category.  Qualified Candidates from Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board shall be declared eligible to appear for the document verification round. The Result and Cut off can also be obtained from our website once it will be declared officially by the main organization. So stay tuned with us.

TN Police Constable Exam Result

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