Varja Station Canteen Jalandhar Recruitment 2019 | Apply now for 14 Manager, UDC, Clerk, Helper posts
So here is the news, Candidates! Our very own Varja Station Canteen has recently released the official notification to fulfill the various vacancies through the Varja Station Canteen Jalandhar Recruitment 2019 for 14 Manager, UDC, Clerk, Helper posts.
The department is going to hire various capable candidates who will fulfill the eligibility. Important Details like educational qualification, age limit, relaxation in age for reserved category candidates, selection process, application fee, admit card release date, exam pattern and syllabus, tentative date of examination and other important details are mentioned below.
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Important Dates
Starting Date to Apply: already started
Last Date to Apply: 13.05.2019
Varja Station Canteen Jalandhar Recruitment 2019
Total Number of Vacancies – 14
Post Name – Manager, UDC, Clerk, Helper.
Varja Station Canteen Jalandhar Application form 2019 Eligibility Criteria
- A number of posts: 01
- Salary: Rs.38,100/- per month
- Qualification: Retired defense officer and basic knowledge of handling computer
- A number of posts: 01
- Salary: Rs.13,410/- per month
- Qualification: ESM/ JCO/ NCD Clerk, and Proficient in the handling of CSD Account and Computer Qualified.
- A number of posts: 01
- Salary: Rs.9755/- per month
- Qualification: 10+2 pass with good knowledge of English and English typing with speed of minimum 40WPM. Knowledge of computer is essential.
Store Keeper
- A number of posts: 02
- Salary: Rs.9755/- per month
- Qualification: 10+2 pass with good knowledge of English and English typing with speed of minimum 40WPM. Knowledge of computer is essential.
Billing Clerk
- A number of posts: 01
- Salary: Rs.8858/- per month
- Qualification: 10+2 pass with good knowledge of English and capable of billing on a computer.
Sales Attendant
- A number of posts: 03
- Salary: Rs.8078/- per month
- Qualification: 10th pass and capable of billing on a computer.
- A number of posts: 03
- Salary: Rs.8078/- per month
- Qualification: 8th pass but the 10th pass will be given preference.
- A number of posts: 02
- Salary: Rs.8078/- per month
- Qualification: 8th pass but the 10th pass will be given preference.
Varja Station Canteen Jalandhar Vacancy 2019 Jobs
Eligible Candidates can apply online through the official website before the last date. To apply candidates need to make copies of relevant certificate like proof of birth date certificate, experience certificate with them.
For complete details download the official notification attached below in PDF Format. The link to apply online is also mentioned below.
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