Who’s Your Bet: Previewing The Cranbourne Racing Schedule

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The Cranbourne Turf Club is one of Australia’s oldest continuing horse racing venues. The first races commenced at Cranbourne on April 22-23, 1867. It used to be governed by a 24-member committee, but that number has shrunk. The Club is currently managed and governed by a nine-member committee. Here in this article, we’ll preview the eight races Cranbourne hosted this Friday. Bettors, ready your money to start betting on your favorites! 

Race 1

The Silks Cranbourne Maiden Plate started at 5:45 PM with a distance of 2025 meters. In Race 1, the front runner was Made of Gold (3). He had a decent international race as he was not too far away from that race’s winner. Pundits have continuously rated him highly in this race, expecting he does better with all his recent race experiences. 

Pundits also saw Chipping Campden (7) as a strong contender. She also won her previous race, but her late surge performance barely missed the win. However, the struggling Whatt Earp (6) surprised the spectators and pundits by winning the race with help from his jockey Gary Lo over eight other racers.

Bettors need to get ready for horse races this Friday! There will undoubtedly be many surprises here at Cranbourne.

Race 2

The rookie Swedish Duke (10) bested ten others to win the Rosemont Stud C, G & E Maiden Plate scheduled at 6:15 PM. Pundits expected that Futuristic (4) would be the front runner here in Race 2 as he was a solid racer. Unfortunately, he has to settle for second place. Kuroshinzo (6) was also expected to compete hard for the title as he performed better than expected in his maiden race and was expected to improve his performance this race. 

Race 3

As predicted by pundits, Queen Latifa (8) won the Thank You Bill Marie Voss FM Maiden Plate scheduled at 6:45 PM. Pundits explained that she was excellent and competitive out of the 12 racers based on her previous race. Together with a more furnished jockey, this racer commanded respect. 

Blazing Burj (1) was considered a strong contender in Race 3 as she resumed racing after a six months hiatus with a new jockey, but such predictions didn’t materialize. He was among the racers who had a lackluster performance.

Race 4

According to pundits in Race 4, the front runners were Miss Russia (11) and Villainesque (12). Miss Russia (11) had a solid performance in her last race, recently got a four-month break, and has a new jockey in the person of Luke Nolen. Villanesque (12) performed well in her previous races, nearly winning them. Pundits explained that with small improvements, she could win the race.

Unfortunately, Miss Russia (11) and three others were scratched as they were not deemed healthy enough to race the Designer Coolrooms Maiden Plate that started at 7:15 PM. Villanesque (12) also did not perform well during the race as it was the middle in the road racers Flying on a Limb (13), who recently returned to the race course that won the race.

Race 5

Like in Race 3, it was the pundits’ choice that won the Browns Sawdust Shavings BM64 Handicap at 7:45 PM. Greyt Mumma (9, who was expected to be one of the major racers, dominated the race like she did when she won her last race. 

According to the pundits, the other strong contender for this race is Beaukati (10). She is competitively fresh as she recently returned from a racing break. Pundits stated that she had already won a previous race and was well-placed among the 13 racers competing in Race 5.

Race 6

The AFC – Peter Lavella Darose BM70 Handicap started at 8:15 PM. Among the eight racers, the pundit predicted that Tobaysure (2), a former race winner, is very competitive, especially with the opposition lineup that he has here in Race 6. 

Pundits also stated that Country’s Light (6) had run very strong races in the last previous races. Now, Country’s Light (6) can add another win to his race statistics as he bested seven other racers.

Race 7

Here in Race 7, the top pick of the pundits is Powerful Eagle (2). He can win and is a very strong racer, but he settled for second place in this race. Another pundit favorite for this race is Crimmo (5), who has consistently placed high in his previous races. 

However, Let’s Say Grace (6) defied the pundits’ predictions and won his second consecutive race here in the Obrien Real Estate 0-64 Handicap at 8:45 PM. He defeated ten racers; three were scratched before the race began.

Race 8

The Ladbrokes Racing Club BM70 Handicap was a surprise that no one saw. Six of 14 racers were scratched, including front runners Rylov (7) and Heywood (1). Before being scratched, pundits predicted that Rylov (7) would likely win as he was riding the wave of confidence as he recently won two of his last three races. 

Heywood (1), according to pundits, is expected to have drastic improvements in the racecourse as he was performing solidly in previous races. Without the initial front runners, Whipcracker Way (3) won Race 8 over the remaining eight racers, even though most have removed his name from potential winners.

In Conclusion

Out of the eight races, the number one pick of the pundits won in only two. Being a pundit favorite doesn’t guarantee a win. In most cases, the underdog or previous winners flying below the radar won the races. The surprises here in Cranbourne mean that bettors need to look at pundit predictions and research racer’s data, statistics, and records to have a good chance of betting on the winning horse.

Updated: May 17, 2023 — 3:53 am

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